Many cultures throughout the ages have used the hand poke tattoo technique because of their religious beliefs and ethnicity. Certain tribes in Borneo Somoa and use tattoos as a rite of passage for individuals to this day, a ceremony honoring all the tools and their history. In Japan, teachers tattooers who still use the concept almost as old as the myths and legends of the story and the characters they portray on their skin young and old clients. Both the old style even were derived and used by some of today's new generation of tattoo.
When the tattoo moved from the ancient world to Europe and the United States, the age of electric tattoo was born. Tattooing was popular in the army in which many soldiers, sailors, pilots find themselves or their skin is marked to commemorate that moment in their lives with the USMC insignia, a warship, a girl hoop, or a starfish. While that image may not be as rich in history or as a person's image as one's family or tribal lineage, the image portrayed by the tattooer new era still held true artistic achievement and historical. Many of the design of the "old school" and style are some of the most popular of the tattoo culture today.